Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Anniversary.

Upon checking the calendar today, I realized that through the evening, Feburary 2009 will drift into history, then on into eternity. I somehow thought it would mean so much more to me. Feburary is the one year anniversary of my blog. A year ago I was anticipating where I would be in a year. Wondering if there would be anyone "out there" that would read my blog, questioning if I had anything to say that would be of value to anyone else. Those first few weeks I worried if anyone would want to link to me and what was I going to say next. It seemed like it did not take long before I had made some wonderful blog friends and was becoming part of a community of like minded people who shared my dreams with me and also shared their dreams. It has been a great year I could not have done this year without all of you who share your time with me. You have validated me, commented on my ideas, shared your lives and your hearts with me. I look forward to giving back to this wonderful community. It has been fun and I look forward to the coming year. I invite you to come along, bring your ideas and your wisdom and we will travel the road ahead together.


Lois Christensen said...

Happy Anniversary!! Hope you enjoy many more years blogging!!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Happy Anniversary Debbie!

Cindy said...

Happy Anniversary...or Blogiversary if you prefer! :D I hope you have enjoyed your journey as much as I have enjoyed mine (which mine is like 2 years this year, I think). So glad that I've found ya.


Anonymous said...

Really interesting article. Hope to see same more!

Anonymous said...

Rather interesting to reed. Thx u . U make me happy