Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vintage Treasure

Okay, here is what I am using my time for everyday, going through my boxes of vintage and junk jewelry.  I love recycling old jewelry.  Some I keep just to look at and some I sell on Ebay or on Etsy.  I believe it may be an addiction, definetly not one I plan on giving up soon.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blogging and other Social Media

I visited the blog of Heather Bullard today and she had an interesting post up.  It gave me a lot to think about and I thought that I would throw it out to you. She entitled her blog as a Coffee Chat: Social Networking. Her commentary was on social networking and how important it is in her readers day to day lives. I would love to hear back from my readers on not only how you feel about social networking but also the reason that you visit a blog.  I think this would be really helpful for me in planning my future blogs.  I originally started my blog because I felt that I had something to offer readers. Facebook, Twitter, My Space, blogs and others offer different versions of social networking.  I would love to hear how important these networking sites are in your life and business.  I like sharing the things that I find interesting as well as new ideas and occasionally a little personal journaling type posts. If you feel you could take a minute to give me feedback I would love to hear from you.Here is a link to Heather's blog if you would like to read it. Heather Bullard